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Darryl’s Adventure : Part 2

Darryl's Adventure FM Family Farm Seaside

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Darryl’s Adventure : Part 2 (Stage No : 51 – 100)

Darryl’s Adventure

How to play

  1. Check mission detail in the Adventure Stage!
  2. Complete a mission to start the next one. The more missions you complete, the more rewards you can earn!
  3. Reach and complete certain missions to cclaim special rewards in the Adventure Stage!
  4. More adventures are coming.

Stages And Tasks To Complete In Darryl’s Adventure

51Produce 8 Corn Bread20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
52Harvest 60 White Roses20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
53Harvest 60 Carrots20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
54Produce 60 bundles of Wool20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
55Produce 60 White Rose Bouquets20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
56 Produce 60 bottles of Buffalo Milks20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC6 Power
57Harvest 8 Coconuts20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
58Prepare 8 Coconut Milk20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
59Harvest 60 Green Lettuce20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
60Collect 60 Peacock Feathers20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
61Produce 60 Beef Salami20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
62Collect 60 Duck Eggs20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
63Prepare 8 Cheese Salad20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC10 Yellow Mystrons
64Harvest 8 Matchas20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
65Harvest 60 Lavender20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
66Produce 60 Mayonnaise20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
67Harvest 60 Daisies20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
68Produce 60 Ostrich Feathers20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
69Prepare 8 plates of Coffee Cookies20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC15 Power
70Produce 12 glasses of Orange Juice 20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
71Harvest 8 Almonds 20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
72Produce 60 Angora Hair20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
73Harvest 60 Love Fruits20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
74Produce 60 Turkeys20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
75Produce 60 Love Cakes20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RCAutumn Owl (Decoration)
76Prepare 8 jars of Honey Syrup20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
77Harvest 12 Cinnamon20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
78Produce 12 Banana Cakes20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
79Cook 3 Macaroni and Cheese in the Stove House20 XP,
200 Coins
6 RC
80Harvest 60 Green Beans20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
81Harvest 8 Lychees20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC50 Green Mystrons
82Prepare 8 Lavender Cheeses20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
83Harvest 8 Cherries20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
84Produce 12 glasses of Cherry Juice20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
85Produce 12 Tiramisu20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
86Collect 30 Honey20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
87Prepare 8 Coffee Biscuits20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
88Harvest 60 Sunflowers20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC10 Yellow Mystrons
89Produce 12 Lychee Candies20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
90Harvest 8 Maple Syrup20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
91Produce 12 Black Forest Cakes20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
92Prepare 8 dishes of Cheese Apple20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
93Harvest 60 Blueberries20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
94Produce 60 Sunflower Bouquets20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC15 Power
95Harvest 8 Oranges20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
96Prepare 8 Pepernoten20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
97Collect 8 jars of Nectar20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
98Produce 30 Blueberry Jam20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
99Produce 8 Maple Sugar20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
100Produce 60 Cheese Burgers20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RCAutumn Tiger

NOTE : The other stage’s mission will be updated from time to time. Sorry for inconvenience.

CLICK HERE To Darryl’s Adventure : Part 1

CLICK HERE To Darryl’s Adventure : Part 3

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