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Darryl’s Adventure : Part 1

Darryl's Adventure FM Family Farm Seaside

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Darryl’s Adventure : Part 1 (Stage No : 1 – 50)

Darryl’s Adventure

How to play

  1. Check mission detail in the Adventure Stage!
  2. Complete a mission to start the next one. The more missions you complete, the more rewards you can earn!
  3. Reach and complete certain missions to cclaim special rewards in the Adventure Stage!
  4. More adventures are coming.

Stages And Tasks To Complete In Darryl’s Adventure

1Harvest 40 Corn20 XP,
200 Coins
18 RC
2Harvest 40 Wheat20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
3Collect 8 Oranges20 XP,
200 Coins
6 RC
4Harvest 8 Cherries20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
5Collect 40 Eggs20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
6Harvest 40 Wool20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC6 Power
7Collect 40 jars of Honey20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
8Produce 40 bags of Wheat Flour20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
9Harvest 50 Coffee Beans20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
10Collect 50 Milk20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
11Prepare 12 plates of Coffee Cookies20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
12Harvest 50 Grapes20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
13Harvest 50 Rice20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC10 Yellow Mystrons
14Produce 50 bottles of Wine20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
15Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
16Produce 50 Peacock Feathers20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
17Harvest 50 Cane20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
18Prepare 8 Honey Syrup20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
19Harvest 50 Chardonnay20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC15 Power
20Produce 50 Sugar20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
21Produce 50 bottles of Champagne20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
22Prepare Rosé20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
23Harvest 50 Oat20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
24Produce 50 sacks of Oat Flour20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
25Harvest 50 Rye20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RCAutum Fox (Decoration)
26Produce 50 sacks of Rye Flour20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
27Produce 8 sacks of Cake Flour20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
28Harvest 8 Bananas20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
29Harvest 50 White Grapes20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
30Produce 50 bottles of White Wine20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
31Prepare 8 Batter20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC50 Green Mystrons
32Harvest 40 Red Roses20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
33Produce 40 loaves of Wheat Bread20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
34Harvest 6 Gisela Cherries20 XP,
200 Coins
6 RC
35Harvest 40 Cucumbers20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
36Prepare 10 Cornmeal20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
37Harvest 8 Lemons20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
38Prepare 12 bottles of Oat Milkshake20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC10 Yellow Mystrons
39Harvest 12 Apples20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
40Harvest 60 Pasture20 XP,
200 Coins
15 RC
41Harvest 6 Chocolates20 XP,
200 Coins
6 RC
42Produce 40 loaves of Black Bread20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
43Produce 50 Red Rose Bouquets20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
44Produce 50 glasses of Grape Juice20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
45Prepare 8 jars of Grape Milkshake20 XP,
200 Coins
8 RC
46Produce 40 Beef20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
47Produce 12 glasses of Apple Juice20 XP,
200 Coins
12 RC
48Produce 40 Oat Bread20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
49Prepare 10 jars of Apple Milkshake20 XP,
200 Coins
10 RC
50Harvest 6 White Chocolates20 XP,
200 Coins
6 RCAutumn Raccoon

NOTE : The other stage’s mission will be updated from time to time. Sorry for inconvenience.

CLICK HERE To Darryl’s Adventure : Part 2

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